Saturday, October 8, 2016
Framehuggers Eye Patches Make You Feel Like A Superhero!
Patching Power!!! Check out this "Superkid" sporting his Superman style Framehugger eye patch. We hope your Framehuggers gives you super eye powers too!
Children succeed in patching therapy when they're comfortable and are given choices. What a better way than to put their favorite superhero on their super soft and stretchy Framehugger eye patch.
Upload any image for your eye patch and we will iron it on FREE of charge. Having that special character, logo or even a picture of your loved one... sharing your journey can brighten the day of anyone!
We have many examples to choose from but you can also upload your own. Your custom eye patch or eyeglass retainer are only a click away!
Happy Patching!!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Framehuggers LLC - Making Eye Patching Time Fun & Stress Free!
Framehuggers is dedicated to helping adults & children with the frustrating process of patching time by offering a free applique image to any patch. Whether you're wanting a child's favorite character or your favorite teams logo on the patch; Framehuggers is happy to offer this iron-on image to make your customize fit patch....YOUR individual style! Simply upload your own image and we'll apply it for you. When combining a completely occlusive Framehugger Eye Patch (that wraps around the lens of your glasses without the ability to shift), then apply a Headhugger Eyeglass Retainer to keep those glasses from sliding or being easy to remove... we are extremely confident you will have a full system in place to improve vision with our "hugs"!
If you would like to visit our website to find out more information please visit to see what we have to offer. All patches and head straps have a money back guarantee and are custom fit to each frame size. Visit our pricing and information page to find out more on color options as well as shipping information.
If you'd like to connect with others sharing similar circumstances as well as share success stories to raise those spirits please visit and Like our Facebook page at .
We share allot of information on our Google + page as well.

Have a great day everyone and thank you for stopping by. We are always looking for new frames to "hug" so stop on in and see why hugs could help you! We will guarantee it or your money back!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Okklueasy eye patches now available to European customers - design by Framehuggers

If you are in Europe and would like to purchase our Framehuggers eye patch design; you can visit our German distribution company's website for more information about OKKLUeasy to see the fun options they have in stock. Same quality design, quality occlusion, and comfort for the loved ones in your life...making patch therapy a magically simple solution!
If you live in Denmark there is an even easier solution by visiting . They distribute all kinds of eye wear accessories including Okklueasy!
Framehuggers design now holds CE Mark for sales in Europe

We are proud to announce that Framehuggers eye patch design is now being sold by our contracted distributor throughout Europe! Berenbrinker Service GmbH in Germany is now stocking our approved CE Mark patch as a medical device and is being called an OKKLUeasy.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Headhuggers now available on the website!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Framehuggers Headhugger Headstrap available soon:
For those who want to purchase a strap immediately; I am accepting order by phone. Please call 208-860-7237 from 9-5 Pacific Standard Time ($11.99 each and available in any colors offered on my Framehuggers patch color options)
I look forward to "Hugging your Frames" and Hugging your Head"!
Camille Workman
Friday, October 23, 2009
Introducing Headhuggers by Framehuggers®
After hearing from several dozen moms struggling with other head retainers currently available; I learned from the frustrations they had with current designs available and worked to make a design to correct the flaws of others. Some of the concerns moms had with other straps is how it attaches to the temple ends, as many are not secure enough to grip the ends well. That they don’t adjust small enough for children’s heads and therefore didn’t secure the frame up close to their face. Many leave a string dangling onto the neck; which for sensory challenged children is not an option. The dangling string with ball like adjuster is not great for a young child lying down or for safety (choking hazard). Some secure with magnets at the base of the neck which again makes some mothers concern to have magnets this close to the brain.
Wearing the glasses in its proper position is very important to ensuring your child’s best occlusion when patching with a Framehugger. If your child easily removes his/her frame frequently; you cannot get the quickest benefit from patching. In effort to continually serve my patients and to help parents ease the discomfort and frustrations with glasses and/or patching; Framehuggers® is proud to announce that Camille has come up with another solution….the “HeadHugger” eye glass retainer. It attaches to the end of the temple with a neoprene grip. Then it wraps a soft fleece around the base of the head, thru a loop and Velcro’s into place to ensure a snug but comfortable fit. It grips well and will come in more than one size(based of temple end piece width) to really grip the temple ends. It is soft and washable, leaves nothing dangling and is completely adjustable even to the smallest/largest of heads.
I am working to add this to the site soon. To be honest and up to date, I broke my finger ….bad enough to require pins to hold my finger into place while I heal. Like the patches, I make each one myself to ensure the quality until I can get quality manufacturing for the patches and the straps. In the mean time, my hand needs to heal before I take on this new endeavor. Doctors tell me that the pins are coming out soon and requests are coming in for the straps so if you are interested in purchasing a HeadHugger, please email me at to let me know and I will email you once I get it added to the site. You can also call me to order and pre-pay if you want to get one ASAP.
You can see photos of my strap and read more about it and some comparisons at: You may have to scroll down to read the current update and scroll down further to read about the original design and other strap reviews and information.